What is Coding?
Coding is completely similar to what we do in our daily life. Let's start with an example. Bob was walking through the road, it was a beautiful day. Suddenly, Bob see a path hill in front of him, he jumped across the path hole and resumed his walking, we all will do the same action. But if it was a baby bob he wouldn't know what to do. Just like a baby computer doesn't know what to do when he finds a path hole in front of him. So we should teach the computer to jump if you see a path all the way of teaching the computer is Coading. Let's teach computers. Simply we teach the baby like if you see a path hole jump across it. Whereas in the computer if see a path hole jump across it, else walk. So coding is a set of instructions that a computer can understand.
Code is all around you. Like watching YouTube videos, using Instagram, Facebook, debit cards, or anything that uses a battery or what gives us intelligence for an airplane to fly. All are happening with the help of code. This is what coding is. For communication, we use different languages like English, Bangla, Hindi, Spanish, etc. Just like using different language computers to use different languages to communicate with us that his programming language. One of the important questions that everyone faces when they started coding is what language should I learn first, to that rid of all these doubts. It's not about learning anything new. It is about expanding your logic to an implementation. Just before we saw the logic about jumping the path hole when you see a path hole, just jump. That's it. By understanding this logic about coding, you have conquered the first level of your coding journey.
Let's code that process using Python. It's like this.
The people
who write codes are called coders, developers, or programmers. The written
codes must be compiled means human understandable code that we worked on before
should be converted to zero and one that the machine can understand. And they
are called machine language. These codes are a way complex for humans to understand.
We make this code simpler by programming languages. There are lots of ways to start
programming. You don't even need a college degree for that. Drive to solve a
coding problem on your own if it results in an error. Just Google searching Google
is the best platform for us. So are you going to start coding today?