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How to Rank a Small website on Google

    How to Rank a Small website on Google


Keep your site up to date

There are over a billion blogs on the web. Google prefers to rank up to date web pages.

Add keywords to your post strategically

Strategical keyword placement is critical to a post’s success and net traffic on a website. As search engines continually become more refined, it is not enough just to randomly stuff articles with keywords and hope for relevance in the search results.

Focus on your primary topic (keyword) in your –

  • Title tag
  • URL
  • Page Title
  • Main Content of the page
  • Images and/or video

Post-Long Content

Longer content not only helps in adding more keywords to it, but there is also a natural emphasis on information. The authenticity of a post increases with longer text, which means that Google would recognize it as something more relevant than a shorter and concise text. As search patterns are synonymous with long-tail keywords nowadays, a longer text also improves the chances of your article/website being on a higher ranking than others.


Improve your page speed

Load time is one of the key measurements in Google's recent Core Web Vitals upgrade, so it’s a good idea to make sure your site is as fast as possible—both to improve your search rank and provide a good user experience.

Build Links

Use the Backlinks report in ubersuggest to find link opportunities.

Fix your SEO Errors

Follow the site audit report in ubersuggest

Niche Specialty content

Something specific is needed to be existing on your website. This will boost up the ratings to the elevated levels. The more content is available, the more traffic will be developing the interest. It is needed to focus on being unique to have a flow of traffic for the link quickly. It is mandatory to keep yourself in your niche.

Mobile compatibility

Make sure that your website has compatibility with handy devices as it will be working if it has quick access with the mobile devices to have rank smaller websites. It is an age of helpful tools, so it is a must to keep pace with the time. Better to have a quick run of the website on the mobile as well as tablets etc.

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